
How to style your hair when using a flat iron electric curling iron?

Author: admin / 2023-03-17
When using a flat iron or an electric curling iron, there are various styles you can achieve with different techniques. Here are some tips on how to style your hair using a flat iron or an electric curling iron:
Straightening: If you want to straighten your hair, section it into manageable parts and comb through each section to remove any tangles. Clamp the flat iron down on a small section of your hair, as close to the root as possible. Slowly glide the flat iron through your hair, following the section through to the end.
Beachy waves: To achieve beachy waves, section your hair into parts and wrap each section around the barrel of an electric curling iron. Hold the hair in place for a few seconds before releasing it. Continue this process throughout your hair.
Loose curls: For loose curls, wrap larger sections of hair around the barrel of an electric curling iron. Hold the curling iron vertically and wrap the hair around the barrel. Hold it for a few seconds before releasing the hair.
Tight curls: To achieve tight curls, wrap small sections of your hair around the barrel of an electric curling iron. Hold the curling iron horizontally and wrap the hair around the barrel. Hold it for a few seconds before releasing the hair.
Half up, half down: For a half-up, half-down style, section the top half of your hair and secure it with a hair tie. Use an electric curling iron or a flat iron to curl or straighten the remaining hair as desired.